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Month: February 2018

by Rachit.Desai Rachit.Desai No Comments

The Role of Attitude and Aptitude in Success of Career

When people have the right attitude, they are both motivated and adaptable which makes them more open to learning new skills. With the right attitude and enough effort most new skills can be mastered quickly. Whereas improving attitude is often about changing behaviors which is always much more difficult to do, as people need to want to change and without the right attitude this is unlikely to happen.

Several elements play a vital role in achieving success, but it all starts where attitude meets aptitude. If you have the right attitude but lack the required aptitude, success can be difficult. Attitude defines how you work or proceed toward your goal. Aptitude, on the other hand, defines how much potential you have to learn specific skills or gain knowledge that will help you achieve your goal. Here is an insight into the different roles your attitude and aptitude play in defining your success.

Role of Attitude

Attitude is the key to success because it can push you forward or slow you down. It all starts with how you view yourself in a specific environment. Is there a right attitude recipe for success? Right attitude means knowing what you are capable of accomplishing. Ambition, determination, and commitment fuel the right attitude, also known as a positive attitude or go-getter attitude. As per the Human Resource Survey it is been revealed that 46% of hired people are likely to fail in the first 12-18 months on the job. The high failure rate is not because they lack skills or knowledge, but due to lack of right attitude. The three essential elements of attitude according to the study are:

  • Temperament: Work temperament is an important aspect that helps people to establish their goals and achieve them. It is been revealed that 15% of people at work, experience failure because of a lack of proper work temperament. Work temperament refers to a positive attitude and a strong personality.
  • Emotional Intelligence:In a highly stressful work environment, emotional intelligence plays a vital role. It is been noticed that  23% of employees are unable to manage their own emotions or assess the emotions of colleagues. This inability to manage emotions breeds a negative attitude, which, in turn, can destroy your confidence.
  • Motivation:It is the key to success! Some people are motivated by others while some people find ways to self-motivate themselves. On the other hand, lack of motivation can lead to low work efficiency and have a negative impact on the overall performance. If you are motivated, in control of your emotions, and have a positive temperament, sky will definitely not be the limit for you.


Role of Aptitude

In a constantly changing work environment, aptitude is crucial if you want to taste success.

The thought of the day is “it is not your aptitude, but your attitude, that determines your success altitude”


Preeti Berua
HR Consultant